イタリア語を学ぼう! 私たちは、トスカーナのイタリア語コースを提供しています



Scegli il Tuo Corso





I spent just over 2 weeks in Arezzo and 2 weeks in the school. The town is charming and small enough to really "feel" it's sense of place, both historically and today.
I loved that everyone in the town spoke italian to me and did not treat me like a tourist when I entered in a store, as they do in largere touristy towns.
The school and the teachers are axcellent. The lessons flowed one into the other and I learned a lot.
The excursions in the afternoon were also fun and very informative. This time I stayed by myself in ar airB&B but perhaps next time I would take the school's offer of stayin with a family for a more inclusive experience.
I loved my time here!

Lisa, 69 years old    (  USA)