Arezzo ist eine der schönsten Städte in der Toskana. Ihr Ursprung geht bis auf die Etrusker und Römer zurück, und in der Altstadt, dem Centro Storico, finden sich zahlreiche Überreste und Kunstwerke, wie z.B. das römische Amphitheater. Ein großer Teil des Centro Storico hat seinen mittelalterlichen Charakter behalten...
Unsere Schule organisiert Italienischkurse mit einer Dauer von einer, zwei, drei oder vier Wochen und länger. Alle Kurse beginnen Montag morgens und enden am Freitag der letzten gebuchten Kurswoche...
We attended the Italian language class in Cultura Italiana Arezzo and had a wonderful experience! We stayed for two weeks in Arezzo in a beautiful and very reasonably priced apartment that the school found for us, right in the center of the ancient city of Arezzo. The language class taught by Monica was just right – both challenging and accessible. Monica is a highly skilled teacher and very responsive to the needs of her students. There were only three of us in the class, and though we spoke little Italian at the beginning of the week, she spoke only Italian with us for the entire time – and we learned so much from her! Arezzo is a lovely and interesting town, and is situated in a great place for exploring other Tuscan towns. This experience put us right in the middle of Italian culture, history, language and every day life. What a great two weeks! Molto grazie e ciao!